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Weighing the Risks and Benefits of Caring for Animals During Pregnancy

When pregnant, usually you and your partner will be busy adapting to various preparations to welcome the Little One. For pregnant women who have previously had pets, there are risks and benefits that can have an impact on the health of the baby. Actually there is no harm in having a pet even during pregnancy. However, you should be more careful because your body's resistance during pregnancy tends to be more prone to health problems.

Risk of Toxoplasmosis Threatening Pregnant Women

Certain pets, like cats, generally throw dirt on sand or soil. There is a risk of animal waste containing the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, which triggers toxoplasmosis. If a pregnant woman is exposed to this parasitic infection for the first time during pregnancy or a few weeks before pregnancy occurs, there is a small possibility that the risk of causing interference with the fetus in the womb, including conditions of birth defects related to brain function disorders such as cerebral palsy, as well as hearing and vision functions . In addition, the risk of toxoplasmosis in pregnant women includes miscarriage or the baby dies in utero. Pregnant women are advised to be aware of this possibility, but do not need to worry too much, because the possibility of being infected with Toxoplasma for the first time in pregnancy is very small. So, that does not mean that all pregnant women who have pets will give birth to babies with these conditions. Likewise, the effect of infection is very diverse. Generally the younger the gestational age when exposed to infection, the worse the effects will be on the baby in the womb.

Various Benefits of Caring for Animals During Pregnancy

Although there is a risk of having pets in pregnant women and babies in the womb, there are also benefits that can be obtained such as:
  • More active move

  • Through the results of research, pregnant women who maintain dogs tend to be more active in moving. For example, when taking a pet dog for a walk. This will benefit the health of the heart and blood vessels, as well as the metabolic processes and weight that is always maintained.
  • Improve the body's immune system

  • A study showed that some children born to parents who have pets, are shown to have higher intestinal microbial levels. The benefits can be obtained that can protect your child from allergic reactions and obesity. So children are expected to get sick less often.

Safe Tips for Caring for Animals During Pregnancy

In order to care for pets does not bring risks or negative effects on the mother and baby, there are some things to note:
  • Keep away from animal landfills

  • We recommend that during pregnancy, try pregnant women do not come into contact with animal waste. Ask your husband or other family members to clean and put the litter box away from pregnant women, making sure that pregnant women and families maintain good personal hygiene, including the household environment.
  • Be aware of pet movements

  • Pregnant women need to be aware of pet movements, especially if the size of the animal is large enough. This needs to be done to prevent injury to pregnant women, especially in the abdomen. Be careful to also place your hands on your stomach in front of pets, because it can be misinterpreted as inviting them to sit on their laps.
  • Wash hands immediately if touching

  • Not only in dogs or cats, other pets such as hamsters can carry viruses that cause pregnancy and fetal disorders. Likewise in reptile and tortoise animals can have a bad influence if not careful in maintaining cleanliness. These exotic animals can carry salmonella bacteria. If accidentally pregnant women touch it immediately wash the body parts that are touched by animals. Also make sure your partner or other family members at home clean the pet carefully and routinely.
Reconsider the risks and benefits of having a pet for you who are pregnant. No need to overdo it, but it is better when pregnant, need to pay more attention to the cleanliness of pets, including cages and feces. Because each pregnancy condition can be different, so don't hesitate to consult with your doctor to determine whether your pregnancy conditions are personally safe to live with your pets.


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