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Kojic Acid, Mainstay of Women Whiten Skin

Kojic acid (kojic acid) originating from Japan, has now become one of the ingredients that are widely used to whiten the skin. White glow is still the dream of most women. And now not a few beauty products made from kojic acid. But what is meant by kojic acid and how to use it appropriately? Kojic acid is a white substance that resembles flour. This material consists of small crystals obtained from fungi. The use of kojic acid for skin care products began in 1989. Before being used for beauty care products, kojic acid was only a by-product of the fermentation process for the production of alcoholic beverages of sake.

Utilizing Kojic Acid

Kojic acid is a mild inhibitor that affects the formation of pigments (dyes). Kojic acid is now widely used to preserve food and cosmetic products. Especially for skin care products, kojic acid functions as a skin whitener. Kojic acid prevents the formation of tyrosine, which is an amino acid needed to produce melanin pigment. Melanin is what affects the color of a person's eyes, skin and hair. In white people, only a small amount of melanin is formed by melanocytes. Conversely, melanocyte production will form more in people with dark skin. Kojic acid is mainly used in beauty products with the following benefits.
  • Eliminating signs of hyperpigmentation, such as acne scars, spots due to aging, spots, dark circles under the eyes, and dark spots
  • Melasma is the most common skin disorder in women with dark skin. The trigger can be excessive sun exposure, pregnancy and the use of additional hormones, such as birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy.
  • Natural antiaging thanks to the ability of kojic acid to bind iron.
The result of using kojic acid depends on the concentration of the active ingredient in the product, from a few weeks to months, until it actually shows results. In oily skin types, it will likely take longer and more frequent use to get whiter skin. Not only beneficial for the face, this cream made from kojic acid can also be used to brighten the color of the skin on various parts of the body, such as the lower arms, knees, neck, elbows, hands, and feet.

Substances Used Together with Kojic Acid

Kojic acid is commonly found in cosmetic products together with other ingredients, not as a single ingredient. This is because kojic acid compounds are unstable when used in cosmetic products. If not combined with other additives, kojic acid has the potential to turn brown. For cosmetic products that aim to brighten skin color due to hyperpigmentation, usually a cream made from kojic acid is used together with glycolic acid. Meanwhile, to alleviate the darkening of the skin caused by melasma conditions, usually cosmetic products will use ingredients kojic acid and glycolic acid, added with hydroquinone. Which then needs to be considered is the use of kojic acid derivatives, namely kojic dipalmitate. Although more stable than kojic acid when used in cosmetic products, kojic dipalmitate has not been proven to effectively brighten the skin. So it does not necessarily have the same benefits, including efforts to overcome hyperpigmentation.

Side Effects

Cosmetics with 1 percent of kojic acid are considered safe to use. But for some people, creams with kojic acid can cause contact dermatitis. Characterized by symptoms such as itchy skin, irritation, redness, swelling, swelling, and pain. If you experience this when using kojic acid products, stop using it immediately and consult a dermatologist or dermatologist. Keep in mind that all skin whitening products, including those containing kojic acid, will make the skin more sensitive to sunlight, aka vulnerable to sunburn. So it is important to wear sunscreen, also use face shields, such as hats or umbrellas before the move. When you decide to use a product made from kojic acid, pay attention to labels that indicate the purpose and duration of use, as well as other ingredients contained. To avoid risk, it is recommended to choose products that are labeled hypoallergenic, non-comedogenic, and non-toxic on the label. If you buy kojic acid as a professional skin care product, it is recommended that you consult a dermatologist first. If you use kojic acid products that are freely purchased, immediately consult a dermatologist when side effects occur, such as skin redness and itching.


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